Computer Department
- From left to right - Mr Nicholas Lindor, Ms Joëlle Gentil (HOD), Gabrielle Dardenne-Callachand & Mr Yannick Bousoula.

Computer Department
Computer Studies is taught from Form I to Form III and computer Science from Form IV to Upper VI.
Practical classes on Microsoft Office, Web Design and Software Development are offered to all levels.
Its role is to help students learn about the different aspects of computer studies, starting from the basics to learning to develop micro programs.
Subjects content
Computer studies:
- Form 1 to Form 3
Computer Basics:
- What is a computer ?
- Types of computers
- Basic computer operations: Input, process, storage and output
- Hardware: Input, output and storage devices
- Health issues associated with the use of ICT and their preventive measures
- Safety measures to adopt while using the computer
- Computer software: types of software
- Windows Basics
- Applications of the computer
- The internet
- Threats to the computer system and how to avoid them
- Theory of information and communication technology i.e. parts of a computer
- Hardware and software
- The internet
- Word processing
- Spreadsheet
- Database
- Flowcharts
Computer science: Form 4 to upper 6
- Data Representation: Binary, Hexadecimal, Denary, Sound, Video and Image
- Internet Principles
- Threats to the Computer System associated with the internet
- Computer Architecture
- Computer Hardware
- Operating Systems
- Computer Ethics
- Problem Solving technics:
- Program Flowcharts
- Pseudo codes
- Programing Skills and Technics using VB 6.0
- Databases
- Computer Security
- Operating Systems
- Advance Problem Solving Technics
- Object Oriented Programming using VB 6.0
- Software Development Technics
- Practical classes
- Development of websites, power point presentations and small programs for the Open Day of 2015
- Form 4: At least a pass in computer studies at the end of Form III
- Lower 6: No prior requirements for Lower 6 students
Skills Developed
- The department encourages the students to develop their presentational skills, interpersonal skills and self-confidence as the students are often required to present their projects. They also develop their logic and problem solving skills.
- The syllabus for School Certificate and Higher School Certificate has drastically changed as from 2014, introducing new components and removing some others. For example, there is no project to be delivered for SC and HSC.