Rules & Regulations


College Ste Marie wishes to offer your child, a broad-based education which aims at helping him/her to develop integrally to his/her best potential.

We firmly believe that we have the duty to create an environment which is conducive to worthwhile learning, which enhances a sense of belonging and which shows a caring concern for the well being and safety of all the members of our School Community.

School rules provide a frame which favours the acquisition of essential values and principles such as:

  • Freedom of conscience in the exercise of moral judgement
  • Respect for the rights of others
  • The reciprocity of rights and duties

Disciplinary sanctions are not meant to be merely punitive measures but concerted attempts to foster responsibility for actions and to strengthen aspirations towards growth in self-discipline.

Rules and Regulations

All students must be at school at 8.10 a.m. to attend morning assembly which is a most important moment in every school day. Once a pupil arrives at school in the morning, he/she is not authorised to leave the school premises. Repeated lateness will entail sanctions. The number of cases of lateness will be recorded in the report book.

      Pupils are not allowed to leave the school premises before 14.35 p.m.
  • Permission to leave school may be given if a pupil is sick, provided the school has been able to contact the responsible party to arrange for a member of the family to come and fetch him/her. (ID card must be presented in this case)
  • Parents are strongly encouraged to make all appointments (doctors, dentists, etc…) after school hours or during holidays.
  • If for any reason, a pupil cannot attend his/her class (being in the sickroom, activity in progress …) he/she must notify the subject teacher.

All students must have left school premises by 16.00 p.m. at latest.


  • Class II warning  : issued before the beginning of a school day = No school until warning removed.
  • Class II warning  : issued during school hours = classes dismissed without delay and school closed.

  • A letter specifying the date/s and reason of absence, and signed by the Responsible Party must be imperatively handed to the Form Teacher on the day the student resumes school.
  • A medical certificate is needed for a period of one week or more.
  • In case of prolonged absence or overseas holidays the school should be notified in writing beforehand.
  • The number of absences will be recorded in the report book and parents are advised to check this for a better control.

(i)    Full uniform of respectable length including plain and neat white socks is COMPULSORY. (“Secret” socks are not allowed)

  • No addition to uniform allowed.
  • Dark blue cardigans.
  • Black, Dark blue or white shoes.
  • Hair style must be simple. Hair-bands must be black, blue or white in colour. Piercing, nail-varnish and make-up are not permitted. Only natural hair colour is allowed.
  • As jewellery, only the following are acceptable:
    - Only one chain with a very small emblem
    - One ring
    - Only one set of simple ear-rings
    - A watch or a bracelet

The school is not responsible for any jewellery lost on the school premises.

Unauthorised jewellery will be confiscated.

Students must not bring any :
  • cellular phone,
  • walk-man,
  • disc-man,
  • cassette,
  • video tape, cd, video camera,
  • video games, tape recorder,
  • etc.
Any unauthorised article will be CONFISCATED.

  • Pupils are advised not to bring large sums of money to school.
  • They should NOT leave money in their desks or bags.

The school accepts NO RESPONSIBILITY for any loss incurred.
  1. Students must attend all their P.E. classes; they can only be exempted from these on a written request, stating the reason, from the Responsible Party or on presentation of a Medical Certificate.
  2. For P.E. classes pupils are required to wear a P.E. special uniform.
  • Students with health problems (e.g. asthma, heart condition) must inform the rector in writing. If a student falls ill at school, he/she should report to the office.
  • Students are not allowed to go to the sick room without permission.
  • Students are not allowed to receive their friends during school hours or to bring relatives and friends to school, except in special circumstances.
  • In special cases the administration will deliver important telephone messages to a student.  
  • Good manners and courtesy are expected from our students at ALL TIMES both within and outside the school when they are wearing the school uniform. Misbehaviour will not be tolerated. This includes loitering in shopping areas, smoking or misbehaving in the bus and in public. Any teacher is allowed to reprimand your ward if his/her conduct is considered inappropriate.
  • During recess, except in rainy periods, students are NOT ALLOWED TO STAY IN CLASS.
  • An effort must be made to keep the school as clean as possible. Dumping is strictly forbidden in class and on the school grounds.
Students are not allowed to purchase from the canteen once the bell has rung for resumption of classes.

  • Parents are NOTIFIED THROUGH STUDENT’S DIARY of any educational outing or activity which require the student to leave school premises.

  • All circulars and notes, sent to parents, must be CAREFULLY READ, AND THE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT SLIP SIGNED by the Responsible Party and returned to the Form Teacher ON THE FOLLOWING DAY.
  • The Report Book which is a record of the student’s progress or lack of it, is issued 3 times yearly:
    - End of 1st term in April
    - End of 2nd term in July
    - End of 3rd term in November
  • Parents are urged to take a special interest in the distribution of the Report Book.
  • The Report Book must be DULY SIGNED by the Responsible Party – even if the latter is not satisfied with the results – and returned to school on the day specified.
  • Any erasure made in the report book by a teacher is always countersigned. You are kindly requested to investigate with the management if the teacher’s signature does not appear in such a situation – very often students are tempted to alter their marks.
  • Specimen signatures of the parents: mother/father/responsible party should appear on the inside front page, together with a good photo of the student taken in school uniform. The report book must be covered with a transparent plastic sheet.
  • Please notify the school immediately in case of any change of address or telephone number. A telephone number in case of emergency must be given (home, office, neighbour…).

  • If the parents are overseas while their ward is still at school, the administration must be notified in writing, the name of another responsible party and specimen signature must be given. The duration of your absence must also be noted.
  •  Money may be asked for to pay for varied articles and activities (PTA, School tracksuit & P.E outfit, swimming caps, exams booklet, lost report book, school magazine, outings, cinema sessions …). In any such case the parents will be informed in writing.
  • Communication between Parents and Teachers is vital for the welfare of the pupil.
  • Open days and Meetings are organised according to the need and we make an appeal for your co-operation. Meetings with individual teachers are encouraged whenever a problem presents itself. These can be arranged through the secretariat.
  • The college is providing 24hr, worldwide Insurance Cover for accidents sustained by the pupils who contribute to the Policy.


In case of accident:

  • Either   Take the child for treatment at Nouvelle Clinique du Bon Pasteur, fill in the insurance form available there. Only at the said clinic will the expenses be settled by insurers directly.
  • Or  At any other clinic, bill must be paid and a claim sent to the Insurance through the school for the refund. Insurance-claim forms are available at the college.
  • The Parent Teacher Association promotes the building of good relationships by helping parents recognise their role in education and involving them in school activities. 
  • The PTA aims at the overall welfare of our students and is at the service of the College community.
  • All parents should be members of the Association.


We thank you for your co-operation and assure you of our deep concern for your ward’s welfare. For our students, the family unit and the school are amongst the most formative influences in their lives. It is therefore essential that relations of trust, cooperation and partnership be developed between the school and the family. In its commitment to the total well being and the harmonious growth of its students, College Ste Marie will do its utmost to provide you with intensified support in the challenging task of educating your child.

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Laseringue Avenue Palma Quatre-Bornes

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